Download Here
Get the instructions to install from the last thread(the thread below). after installing follow the following instructions.
Step 1: Open the file you want to set as wallpaper for iLock.
Step 2: Select Options >> Edit
Step 3: Select Options >> Save As
Step 4: Select Save As type as *.png
Step 5: Select the Save As Folder as mmc/qeilock/res
Step 6: Select Save
And the final Result is
1 comment:
There is much easier way if you have qeiLock-0[1].0.1beta1-update1 you can after starting qeilock just tap 3 times on small circle just below time and date line to the right side and you will get seting menu with settings for wallpaper and clock 12/24 hours and backlight5/10/15 sec...
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